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BMW Locksmith Expert

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We are experts in BMW key making and all that surrounds it:

If you have a problem we got the solution!

For pricing and a FREE Consultation you can call us at 470-756-0417

Important Note:
BMW fobs for vehicles equipped with FEM and BDC systems can be replicated up to the 2020 model year. However, the newer BDC2 systems, as well as the G chassis vehicles, are exceptions and cannot be serviced by locksmiths due to their advanced security features.

These are 'Dealer Only' vehicles. We regret to inform you that no locksmith will be able to provide fobs for these specific years and models.

We hope this information saves you the time and effort of searching elsewhere.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call, text, or email us!
470-756-0417 or

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